CYMK Senior
/ Organizations / CYMK Senior

CYMK Senior (Youth Association)

Welcome to CYMK (Української Молодь в Канаді) - Ukrainian Orthodox Youth! We are the official youth group of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada (around since 1931) and we like to have FUN!

What we offer is a place for youth of all ages (we have Junior CYMK for elementary student and Senior CYMK for highschool and post-secondary students) to hang out, practice and learn about their Orthodox faith, Ukrainian culture and language and most importantly - a place where they feel like they belong and are always welcomed!

We do many different things (whatever strikes our fancy) - we raise money for orphanages in Ukraine, donate our time/services by hosting monthly fellowship meals at the church, perform at various festivals and parish concerts, go to spiritual retreats, plan amazing events like Coffee Houses, bowling tournaments, apple picking etc. We also get together with the other "locals" from across Canada every two years for a "dobrey chas!"

Please see our facebook page for more information about events and for some pictures!

And just to leave you with our mantra, our "klych" --- because it says it all!


Ми є чесні молодці!

Будем щиро працювати,

Добре діло продовжати, СУМК!

 Which is to say (as much as it sounds precocious) that we are honest and good people, who will work hard and do good deeds!



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