The multi-award-winning documentary, That Never Happened: Canada’s First National Internment Operations, will have its Toronto premiere at the Ted Rogers HOT DOCS Cinema on Tuesday, December 12.
The documentary, produced by Armistice Films Inc., recounts the forced internment of thousands of Ukrainians and other Europeans from1914-1920. Canadian law enforcement authorities targeted them, not for anything they had done but simply because of who they were and where they came from.
The Toronto Premiere, a presentation of the SUS Foundation of Canada, reveals how public records were destroyed in 1954. Three decades later, researchers began the task of stitching together the story of this dark chapter in Canadian history.
That Never Happened has met with critical acclaim at film festivals across North America. It has garnered 6 nominations and 5 Awards: 4 Awards in the Best Documentary category and THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD at the Bay Street Film Festival.
After an overwhelming number of requests to bring this Documentary to Toronto we have secured a screening at the Prestigious Ted Rogers HOT DOCS Cinema on Bloor.
Tickets to the Toronto Premiere of That Never Happened will sell out. Get your tickets today by calling the Box Office at 416-203-2155 or right on the Hot Docs website:
To view the trailer, please visit
For more information: Contact Diana Cofini at
Twitter @ArmisticeFilms
#ThatNeverHappened #WW1 #cdnpoli #FilmsThatMatter #Canada150 #Documentary #HotDocs
This project has been funded by a grant from the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.