Are you interested in reading the Bible in a meaningful way?
Father Walter Makarenko, together with Michael Zienchuk, are organizing a Spiritual Scripture Reading and Prayer Group at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church (ZOOM Call).
Every Thursday evening, starting from October 14th at 7pm, for about 1 hour, all those who join will learn about the Jesus Prayer – an ancient yet simple prayer, that has its roots in Scripture and has been used to fulfill what the Apostle Paul advocated when he suggested that Christians pray unceasingly.
There will also be a focus on Spiritual Reading of Holy Scripture.
Unlike a typical bible study, the intent here is to help develop the skill to read the Bible spiritually, so that the passages of Scripture reveal the personal meaning to each reader as it is meant to do.
Following the Spiritual Reading of a passage from the Bible, there will be an opportunity to pray as a group following petitions from the participants.
This Spiritual Scripture Reading and Prayer Group will run for 8 weeks, starting Thursday October 14th at 7pm, and conclude on Thursday December 2nd. These sessions will be run on ZOOM, and so we will need to get the emails of those interested, so we can send the ZOOM link prior to the Thursday evenings sessions.
So if you’re interested in joining this group and learning how to develop a prayer discipline and to read the Bible spiritually, please send your email and phone number to Michael Zienchuk (
We look forward to seeing you at our first session!
God bless,
Fr Walter