Sunday School at St. Demetrius - Registration and Policies - 02/14/2025
Недільня Школа при Українській Православній Церкві Святого Димитрія - Реєстрація та Інформація
Sunday School at St. Demetrius - Registration and Policies... |
SnowDrop Gala II - 01/14/2025
SnowDrop Gala II will be held Saturday February 8, 2025, at the elegant Trident Banquet Hall... |
Delta Bingo Fundraising - 01/13/2025
Delta Bingo Schedule for January thru March, 2025... |
Patriarchal Encyclical and Nativity Epistle / Патріарше послання та Різдвяне Послання - 12/25/2024
/ Патріарше послання на Різдво Христове + Варфоломій, Милістю Божою Архиєпископ Константинопольський, Нового Риму і Вселенський Патріарх, Усій повноті Церкви
Nativity Epistle from the Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
/ Різдвяне Послання Єпископату Української Православної Церкви Канади |
Schedule of Christmas Services - 12/23/2024
Schedule of Upcoming Services: December 2024 - January 2025 |
Parish Jordan Supper / Йорданська Вечеря 2025 - 12/13/2024
SUNDAY, January 5 - Vespers at 6:00 pm - Parish Supper to follow after the service
НЕДІЛЯ, 5-го січня - Повечір’я: 6:00 вечора - Вечеря: після відправи |
St. Nicholas Day / Святий Миколай 2024 - 11/11/2024
St. Nicholas (Святий Миколай) will visit the children of St. Demetrius parish on Sunday December 8, in the church hall, after the liturgy... |
Christmas Market 2024 - 11/09/2024
Christmas Market / Різдвяний Ярмарок... |
PARISH PATRON SAINT’S DAY / ПАРАФІЯЛЬНЕ ХРАМОВЕ СВЯТО - Sunday, October 27th, 2024 - Luncheon after the Liturgy... |
- 09/20/2024
St. Demetrius Bandura School - welcome new students! |
Bingo fundraising... - 09/15/2024
Bingo fundraising carried out by volunteers from our parish... |
Annual Parish Picnic / Парафіяльний пікнік 2024 - 08/22/2024
The Annual Church Picnic will be held on Sunday September 8, 2024, after the Liturgy, at Centennial Park / Неділя 8 вересня 2024 р., після Св. Літургії... |
NO UWAC Rummage Sale in 2024 - 05/31/2024
This is just a notice that there is NO UWAC Rummage Sale this year (2024). If you have searched and found a poster about a Rummage Sale at St. Demetrius on Friday May 31 and Saturday June 1, your search has located an OLD poster from 2019 (which happens to have fallen on the same dates). Sorry for any misunderstanding or inconvenience. |
Order of St. Andrew Speaker Series: My Journey From Judaism To Orthodox Christianity - 05/11/2024
Order of St. Andrew, Long Branch Chapter - Speaker Series: My Journey From Judaism To Orthodox Christianity, Sunday May 26, 2024 following the Divine Liturgy... |
Katya Boyko Concert - 05/11/2024
Katya Boyko Concert - May 19, 2024 - Українська популярна співачка Катя Бойко заспіває свої хіти та нові пісні про рідну землю, які співає вся Україна.... |
Spilne Sviachene and Mother's Day Concert - Спільне Свячене і Концерт до Дня Матері - 05/10/2024
The Spilne Sviachene (Communal Parish Brunch) and Mother's Day Concert will be held at St. Demetrius UOC on Sunday May 12 after the liturgy... |
Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! - 05/05/2024
PASCHAL EPISTLE of the Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada / ПАСХАЛЬНЕ ПОСЛАННЯ Єпископату УПЦ в Канаді ... |
PATRIARCHAL ENCYCLICAL FOR HOLY PASCHA / Патріарше Послання на Святу Пасху - 05/05/2024
PATRIARCHAL ENCYCLICAL FOR HOLY PASCHA / Патріарше Послання на Святу Пасху |
Schedule of Easter Services - Порядок Богослужень... - 04/27/2024
Schedule of Easter Services - Порядок Богослужень... |
Easter Market / Великодній Базар - 04/05/2024
The Easter Market at St. Demetrius UOC will be held on Sunday April 21 at 12 - 2pm (after the liturgy), presented by the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada, Sophia Russova branch... |
The Order of St. Andrew Long Branch Chapter invites all to come to St. Demetrius UOC, on Sunday April 7, 2024 following the Divine Liturgy, and listen as Fr. Bohdan Hladio provides a history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada from its humble beginnings in 1918 to today... |
Catechetical Homily for the Opening of Holy and Great Lent - 03/15/2024
Catechetical Homily for the Opening of Holy and Great Lent, BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople, ARCHBISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE-NEW ROME AND ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert - St. Demetrius Church Choir and St. Demetrius Bandura Ensemble perform - 03/15/2024
On Sunday March 3, 2024, St. Demetrius UOC held its commemorative concert in honour of Ukraine’s greatest poet and national hero, Taras Shevchenko...
The St. Demetrius Church Choir and the St. Demetrius Bandura Ensemble perform 3 songs to the words of Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine’s greatest poet and national hero: Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий • The Mighty Dniprо Roars And Groans Думи мої • My Thoughts Заповіт • My Testament Concert performance at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Sunday March 3, 2024. |
Pysanka Workshop 2024... - 03/09/2024
Pysanka (Easter Egg) Workshop - ЗАНЯТТЯ З ПИСАНКАРСТВА - March 29, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm... |
Інформативна програма "Що означає бути членом церкви"... - 03/09/2024
Орден св. Андрія Первозванного запрошує на інформативну програму “Що означає бути членом церкви” та “Ваше безпечне перебування в церкві”, яка відбудеться 24 березня – в Неділю Торжества Православ’я після Св. Літургії під час Співдружжя... |
Pysanka Easter Egg Bingo, Friday March 22 - 02/12/2024
UWAC Pysanka Easter Egg Bingo, Friday March 22, 2024 starting at 7 p.m. |
Taras Shevchenko Concert at St. Demetrius UOC, Sunday March 3 - 02/11/2024
Taras Shevchenko Concert at St. Demetrius UOC - Sunday March 3 at 12:30pm... |
Concert - Nazari and Dmytro Yaremchuk - 02/10/2024
Concert - Nazari and Dmytro Yaremchuk - Benefit Concert for Ukraine, Saturday Feb. 17, at St. Demetrius UOC... |
Parish Jordan Supper / Йорданська Вечеря 2024 - 12/16/2023
FRIDAY, January 5 - Vespers at 6:00 pm - Parish Supper to follow after the service
П’ЯТНИЦЯ, 5-го січня - Повечір’я: 6:00 вечора - Вечеря: після відправи |
Schedule of Services - Порядок Богослужень - Dec 2023-Jan 2024 - 12/06/2023
Schedule of Services - Порядок Богослужень - for Dec 2023 - Jan 2024... |
Adoption of the Revised Julian Calendar by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - 12/02/2023
With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Ilarion, in accordance with his Encyclical of December 1, 2023, St. Demetrius Sobor will cross over to the New Revised Julian Calendar as of December 20, 2023... |
St. Nicholas / Sv. Mykolai Day - 12/01/2023
St. Nicholas (Sv. Mykolai) will visit the children of St. Demetrius parish on Sunday December 17, in the church hall, after the liturgy... |
UWAC Christmas Fellowship - 11/11/2023
UWAC Christmas Fellowship - Sunday December 3, 2023 @ 12 noon, after the liturgy... |
Parish Patron Saint’s Day / Парафіяльне Храмове Свято - 10/17/2023
St. Demetrius Parish Patron Saint’s Day Celebration (Khram) will be held on Sunday November 5, 2023... |
St. Demetrius Bandura School - Registration - 08/26/2023
Registrations are now open for the St. Demetrius Bandura School 2023-2024 season... |
Homemade Varenyky for sale! |
Concert at St. Demetrius - Georgiy Matviyiv - 08/17/2023
Concert at St. Demetrius - Georgiy Matviyiv - Sunday August 20th at 3pm... |
We are delighted to invite families and friends of St. Demetrius UOC to join our group attending the Toronto Blue Jays game on September 30, 2023... |
St Demetrius Parish Picnic - 08/16/2023
St Demetrius Parish Picnic -Sun, Sept 10, 2023 Click for more details... |
First Confession and Communion 2023 - 05/28/2023
Congratulations to the twelve young members of our church who partook in the Holy Sacrament of Confession for the first time on Saturday May 27, 2023; this was followed by the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday... |
2023 St. Demetrius Golf Classic - 05/07/2023
The 2023 St. Demetrius Golf Classic will be held on Sunday June 11th, 2023 at Granite Ridge Golf Club, 9503 Dublin Line, Milton... |
Upcoming services - 04/10/2023
View the list of upcoming services... |
Spilne Sviachene / Спільне Свячене 2023 - 04/02/2023
The Spilne Sviachene Parish Communal Luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 23rd after the liturgy...
Спільне Свячене - Неділя, 23 квітня , після cв. Літургії... |
Pysanka Workshop 2023 - 04/02/2023
Pysanka Workshop (Easter Egg Writing) - Friday April 7, 2023 @ 1:00pm - 4:00pm... |
Easter Market 2023 - 03/24/2023
Easter Market - Sunday April 2, 12-2 pm, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Presented by Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch |
Pysanka Easter Egg Bingo 2023 - 02/14/2023
Pysanka Easter Egg Bingo, Friday March 17, 2023 |
CANCELLED: Akathist to St. Andrew on Wednesday January 25th - 01/24/2023
SCHEDULING NOTICE: The Akathist to St. Andrew scheduled for Wednesday January 25th has been CANCELLED due to forecasted weather. Regular services will resume on Sunday January 29th with the Divine Liturgy of the 33rd Sunday after Pentecost, Zacchaeus Sunday. |
ЙОРДАНСЬКА ВЕЧЕРЯ - Середа, 18 січня 2023 р., Велике Навечір'я – 6:00 вечора. Після цього парафіяльна вечеря.
JORDAN PARISH SUPPER - Wednesday, January 18, 2023. Theophany Eve Vespers – 6:00 P.M., Parish Supper to follow. |
Patriarchal Encyclical For Christmas from Bartholomew Of Constantinople - 01/06/2023
Патріарше Послання На Різдво Христове +Варфоломій, Милістю Божою Архиєпископ Константинопольський...
Patriarchal Encyclical For Christmas from +Bartholomew Of Constantinople... |
Свята Вечеря - Nativity Eve - 01/01/2023
Усіх запрошуємо на Святу Вечерю, в залі Собору св. Димитрія, в п'ятницю 6-го січня о 6:00 год. веч. Велике Повечір'я почнеться о 9:00 год. веч.
All are welcomed to join the Nativity Eve dinner, in the St. Demetrius Hall, on Friday January 6 at 6:00 p.m., followed by Nativity Eve Vespers service in the church at 9:00 p.m. |
CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP - Різдвяний Співдружжя - 12/08/2022
CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP - Різдвяний Співдружжя - Sunday December 11 after the liturgy. Presented by the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch. |
Parish Patron Saint’s Day / Парафіяльне Храмове Свято - 11/01/2022
St. Demetrius Parish Patron Saint’s Day Celebration (Khram) will be held on Sunday November 6, 2022... |
UPDATED - Annual Church Picnic / Парафіяльний пікнік - 09/23/2022
Due to bad weather conditions our parish picnic will be held AT THE CHURCH HALL right after the Liturgy...
Через погані погодні умови наш парафіяльний пікнік відбудеться У ЦЕРКОВНІЙ ЗАЛІ відразу після Св. Літургії... |
St. Demetrius Bandura School classes are starting... - 09/03/2022
The St. Demetrius Bandura School is pleased to announce that bandura classes at St. Demetrius are now resuming... |
Starting in September / Починаємо у вересні!... - 09/02/2022
St. Demetrius UOC is restarting all of our church related programming in September, the beginning of the New Church Year... |
Drive-In Bingo returns to Delta Downsview - 07/12/2022
Drive-In Bingo returns to Delta Downsview THIS SUNDAY July 17th... |
UOCC - XXIV SOBOR – June 15-19, 2022 - 06/12/2022
Information on the UOCC SOBOR on June 15-19, 2022... |
Help Ukraine - Information for incoming displaced persons from Ukraine - 06/05/2022
Help Ukraine - Information for incoming displaced persons from Ukraine... |
Schedule of Easter Services - 04/20/2022
Schedule of Easter Services... |
Easter Market & CYMK Fundraising Lunch - 04/09/2022
Easter Market & CYMK Fundraising Lunch - Sunday April 10, 12-2 pm, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church |
Standing With Ukraine - Fundraising Dinner - 04/09/2022
Standing With Ukraine - Fundraising Dinner - Sunday April 10, 5pm, @ St. Maurice & St. Verena Coptic Orthodox Church, Markham |
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори - Sunday March 27 - 03/22/2022
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори
Sunday, March 27, 2:00 p.m. - virtual (online) only
Неділю, 27 го березня, о 2:00 годині по обіді - віртуальні |
Help Ukraine - допомогти Україні - 03/01/2022
The need to help Ukraine is real and is now. St. Demetrius UOC is dedicated to help Ukraine...
Україна реально потребує допомоги, причому негайної. УПЦ святого Димитрія самовіддано прагне допомогти Україні... |
POSTPONED - Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори - 02/26/2022
Due to the war in Ukraine and how it is affecting everyone and because there are ongoing demonstrations and a planned march through Toronto at the same time as our scheduled AGM this Sunday, Parish Council has decided to POSTPONE the AGM to a future date... |
Pray for Ukraine - 02/25/2022
A message from Fr. Walter Makarenko... |
Resumption of weekday services - Friday February 25th - 02/25/2022
Weekday services will fully resume on Friday February 25th, starting with the Akathist to St. Michael the Archangel and all incorporeal forces... |
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори - 02/15/2022
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори
Sunday, February 27, 1:00 p.m. - virtual (online) only
Неділю, 27 го лютого, о 1:00 годині по обіді - віртуальні |
Resumption of church services at St. Demetrius U.O.C... - 02/07/2022
Parishioners and friends of St. Demetrius, through God’s grace and blessings, we at St. Demetrius U.O.C. are grateful to resume in-person attendance and livestream broadcasts of our church services, starting on Sunday February 13, the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee at 10 am...
Дорогі парафіяни та друзі собору св. Димитрія, З Божої ласки, собор св. Димитрія відновлює богослужіння для всіх хто має намір відвідати особисто, або долучитися до прямих трансляцій - в неділю Митаря і Фарисея(13 лютого) - божественна літургія, починаючи о 10:00 год. ранку... |
Scheduling Announcement - Feb. 2 and Feb. 6 - 02/02/2022
Parishioners and friends of St. Demetrius, due to continuing health and safety reasons, this week's services of the Akathist scheduled for Wednesday February 2 and the liturgy scheduled for Sunday February 6 at St. Demetrius U.O.C. will not be held. Thank-you for your understanding and we look forward to resuming services as soon as possible.
Дорогі парафіяни та друзі собору св. Димитрія, з міркувань здоров’я та безпеки нашої громади, акафист і літургія, заплановані у приміщенні собору на середу 2 лютого та неділю 6 лютого, не відбудуться. Дякуємо за порозуміння та з нетерпінням чекаємо якнайшвидшого відновлення богослужінь. |
Special Announcement - 01/26/2022
Parishioners and friends of St. Demetrius, due to health and safety concerns, the Akathist scheduled for Wednesday January 26 and the liturgy scheduled for Sunday January 30 at St. Demetrius U.O.C. will not be held. Thank-you for your understanding and we look forward to resuming services as soon as possible.
Дорогі парафіяни та друзі собору св. Димитрія, з міркувань здоров’я та безпеки нашої громади, акафист і літургія, заплановані у приміщенні собору на середу 26 січня та неділю 30 січня, не відбудуться. Дякуємо за порозуміння та з нетерпінням чекаємо якнайшвидшого відновлення богослужінь. |
Blessing of Water 2022 - Announcement - 01/17/2022
Blessing of Water 2022 - Announcement and instructions... |
St. Demetrius Koliadky Live Stream Concert - 01/08/2022
This year we will be featuring a re-broadcast of last year's wonderful Koliada live stream concert.... |
Patriarchal Encyclical for Christmas - 01/07/2022
Patriarchal Encyclical for Christmas from +Bartholomew of Constantinople... |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 01/07/2022
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine...
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України... |
Nativity Greeting 2022 - 01/06/2022
Христос Народився! Славімо Його! Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Nativity Greeting from St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
St. Philip's Fast Proclamation - 11/26/2021
St. Philip's Fast Proclamation - from the Permanent Conference of Ukrainain Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine... |
8 Week Session of Spiritual Bible Reading and Prayer at St. Demetrius U.O.C. - 10/15/2021
Father Walter Makarenko, together with Michael Zienchuk, are organizing a Spiritual Scripture Reading and Prayer Group at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church (ZOOM Call)... |
St. Demetrius UOC, conjoined with St. Anne's UOC Sunday School "Bethlehem Star", is offering online Sunday School classes... |
Stage 3: The Church is Open! – AN UPDATE... ...Крок 3: Церква відкрита! - ОНОВЛЕННЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЇ!... - 08/30/2021
St. Demetrius is again open to the public for Sunday Liturgies. To attend a Sunday Liturgy, please register your request...
Собор св. Димитрія є відкритий для публіки. Щоб відвідати недільну Літургію, будь ласка, зареєструйте свій запит... |
Прес Рeліз - Press Release from the Office of the Consistory of the UOCC - 08/26/2021
Прес Рeліз - Press Release from the Office of the Consistory of the UOCC... |
Akathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ, on Wednesday August 25, 2021 - 08/25/2021
Live Stream of the Akathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ, on Wednesday August 25, 2021, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Etobicoke, ON, Canada. 7:00 pm Пряма трансляція Акафист Господу Ісусу Христу, в Соборі св. Димитрія, в середу, 25-го серпня, 2021. 7:00 вечора.
Celebrated by Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Volodymyr (Walter) Makarenko.
https://stdemetriusuoc.ca/support_st_demetrius |
The Church is Open! Церква відкрита! - 07/01/2021
St. Demetrius is again open to the public...
Собор св. Димитрія є відкритий для публіки... |
Live Stream of all services... - 05/02/2021
A reminder that all services at St. Demetrius can be viewed online by clicking the LIVESTREAM tab at the top of the page... |
Paschal Message from St. Demetrius UOC - 05/02/2021
Paschal Message from St. Demetrius UOC and Fr. Walter... |
Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 05/02/2021
Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine... |
Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha - 05/02/2021
Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha from His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew... |
Message re: Blessing of pussy willows and Easter Baskets... - 04/23/2021
Message from Fr. Walter re: Blessing of pussy willows and Easter Baskets... |
Schedule of Easter Services - Порядок Богослужень... - 04/22/2021
Schedule of upcoming Easter Services - Порядок Богослужень... |
The Great Lent Epistle 2021 / Великопосне Послання 2021 - 03/20/2021
The Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine / Великопосне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України... |
Patriarchal Catechetical Homily from His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/20/2021
Patriarchal Catechetical Homily at the opening of Holy and Great Lent, from His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew... |
Celebrating the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko - 03/08/2021
On the 9th of March, we celebrate 207 years since the birth of the great Ukrainian poet - Taras Shevchenko, and on March 10th, 160 years since his death. Honouring his genius, we present a few songs based on the poems of Taras Shevchenko, sung by the Youth Sextet at St. Demetrius, followed by the St. Demetrius Quartet.
9 березня 2021 року виповнюється 207 років з Дня народження Великого Кобзаря, генія українського народу — Тараса Шевченка. 10 березня-160 років його смерти. Вшановлюучи пам‘ять нашого Пророка, ми хочемо представити вам декілько пісень на його поезію у виконанні молодіжного секстету та квартету церкви Святого Димитрія. |
150th Anniversary of the Ukrainian poet, Lesya Ukrainka - 02/22/2021
This year, on February 25th, we celebrate the 150th year anniversary of the birth of one of the famous Ukrainian poets, Lesya Ukrainka . On this occasion, the St. Demetrius Quartet presents two songs of Lesia Ukrainka's poetry – “Якби мені достати струн живих” and “Ой не зникли золотії терни” – music composed by Ihor Shamo.
Цього року, 25 лютого, ми святкуємо 150-річчя від дня народження видатної української поетеси Лесі Українки. Ми хочемо представити до вашої уваги дві пісні на слова Лесі Українки, музика Ігоря Шамо. Святкуйте з нами! |
Ukrainian Christmas Carol Kolyadky - 01/08/2021
Live Stream from St. Demetrius UOC - An evening of Traditional and New Ukrainian Christmas Carols featuring Quartets from the St. Demetrius Choir and Youth Singers. Broadcast on Saturday January 9th...
Schedule of Nativity and related services - 01/06/2021
Upcoming Nativity and other January services available online via Live Stream... |
Covid 19 restrictions - 11/22/2020
Due to current Covid 19 restrictions in the City of Toronto, St. Demetrius will be closed to the public until further notice, however liturgies will continue to be live streamed every Sunday.
Через нещодавно запроваджені обмеження Covid 19 у місті Торонто, Собор св. Димитрія буде закритий для громадян до подальшого повідомлення але ми все одно будемо транслювати Літургію в прямому ефірі. |
Our Church is Open - 10/25/2020
Our Church is open to parishioners for in-person attendance! We welcome all to attend Sunday Divine Liturgies in person, subject to provisions including pre-registering prior to the Sunday...
З великою радістю повідомляємо, що з Божого благословення ми знову відкриваємо Українську православну церкву св. Димитрія. Запрошуємо всіх особисто відвідувати Святі Літургії. Просимо дотримуватись таких вказівок... |
LIVESTREAM broadcasts - 10/18/2020
The Sunday Divine Liturgies at St. Demetrius are Live Streamed each Sunday starting at 10am EDT. Click the LIVESTREAM tab at the top of this page, or click more information.... |
Bingo Update - July 2020 - 07/03/2020
Delta Bingo has arranged to host a one hour ONLINE bingo session planned for every Thursday in July. Games will start at 7pm and be broadcast through Facebook Live ... |
Letter to members, adherents and friends --- Лист до членів, прихильників і друзів - 07/01/2020
Letter to members, adherents and friends --- Лист до членів, прихильників і друзів... |
Epistle #6 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (June 5, 2020) - 06/05/2020
Epistle #6 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (June 5, 2020) |
Orthodoxy Online Youth Discussions - 04/30/2020
SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN - THURS АPRIL 30 - 4:00 PM - Angels: Who are they and what is their role? Register UOCC.CA/Sunday School |
LIVESTREAM broadcast of Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius UOCC... - 04/20/2020
Христос Воскрес! Воістину воскрес! View the LIVESTREAM broadcast of Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius UOCC... |
Paschal Letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/18/2020
Paschal Letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - English and Ukrainian... |
LIVESTREAM broadcast of Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius UOCC - 04/18/2020
This Sunday, April 19, the Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius will be streamed live via our Facebook page, starting at 8:00 a.m. EDT...
Letter to Parishioners - Дорогі Парафіяни! - 04/17/2020
Дорогі Парафіяни! Dear Parishioners! ... |
Epistle #5 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (Apr. 6, 2020 re church svcs) - 04/07/2020
Epistle #5 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (Apr. 6, 2020 re church svcs)... |
Epistle #4 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (April 2) ... - 04/03/2020
Epistle #4 from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (April 2) ... |
Communique #3 regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (Mar. 23 ) - 03/23/2020
Communique #3 regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij (Mar. 23 )... |
LiveStream Broadcasts of Divine Liturgies in the Eparchies of the UOCC... - 03/22/2020
Schedule and time of broadcasts of Divine Liturgies in the Eparchies of the UOCC... |
Epistle from Bishop Andriy re Coronavirus - 03/20/2020
Epistle from Bishop Andriy re Coronavirus... |
Coronavirus info sheet (Ukrainian) 2020-03-17 - 03/19/2020
Про новий тип коронавірусу 2019... |
Mar. 16 Communique regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij - 03/16/2020
Mar. 16 Communique regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij... |
Communique regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij - 03/13/2020
Communique regarding the Coronavirus from His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij... |
2020 Great Lent Epistle - 03/01/2020
Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine...
Великопосне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України... |
Monthly Varenyky (Pyrohy) Lunch! - 02/27/2020
The next monthly Senior's Varenyky (Perogy) Lunch of 2020 will be held on Thursday March 5th, 2020 at 11:30 a.m - 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome! |
Pysanka Bingo 2020 - 02/12/2020
PYSANKA BINGO will be held again this year at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Friday, February 28th starting at 7pm... |
SCHEDULE Of January Services And Events - Порядок Богослужень Та Події - 01/01/2020
View the Schedule of upcoming Nativity services and events at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 12/31/2019
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of UkraineNativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine...
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України... |
Вісник / Herald - Christmas 2020 - 12/30/2019
Вісник / Herald - Christmas 2020 |
CYMK Caroling / Вертеп - 12/30/2019
St. Demetrius youth group CYMK is again visiting houses with fun energy and carols this Christmas season... |
Parish Jordan Supper / Йорданська Парафіяльна Вечеря - 12/29/2019
Saturday January 18 - Vespers at 6:00 pm - Supper after the service
Субота 18-го січня - Повечір’я: 6:00 вечора - Вечеря: після відправи |
Mykolai / Св. Миколай Concert 2019 - 12/15/2019
On Sunday December 15th, St. Demetrius Parish was visited by Sv. Mykolai (Св. Миколай)... |
Christmas Market 2019 - 12/01/2019
On Sunday December 1st, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch, held its Різдвяний Ярмарок or Christmas Market at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
St. Demetrius Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) 2019 - 11/10/2019
On Sunday November 10th, St. Demetrius Parish celebrated its 79th Parish Anniversary Khram with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory dinner and program... |
Order of St. Andrew - 11/01/2019
Read about the Order of St. Andrew at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Christmas Market - Різдвяний Ярмарок - 11/01/2019
On Sunday December 1st, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch, is holding its Різдвяний Ярмарок or Christmas Market at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 12:00-3:00pm... |
Parish Pumpkin Carving 2019 - 10/27/2019
On Sunday October 27th, the youth of St. Demetrius parish participated in the annual pumpkin-carving event... |
Храмове Свято / Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) - 10/01/2019
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 St. Demetrius UOC will be celebrating its Khramove Sviato (Parish Patron’s Day)... |
St. Demetrius Youth Appreciation Baseball Game - 09/29/2019
On September 29, 2019 St Demetrius Youth attended a baseball game between the Toronto Blue Jays and Tampa Bay Rays... |
Parish Picnic 2019 - 09/22/2019
On Sunday September 22nd, 2019, after the liturgy, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
Turkey Roll and Games Night - 09/18/2019
On Saturday October 19th, Toronto Long Branch TYC will be hosting their annual Turkey Roll and Family Games Night / Euchre Tournament... |
Parish Picnic 2019 - 09/01/2019
Парафіяльний Пікнік!
The annual Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday September 22nd, after the Liturgy. All parishioners, supporters, and friends of St. Demetrius are welcomed to come out and enjoy... |
Bandura Classes Registration - 09/01/2019
Bandura classes have started at St. Demetrius... |
UOCC 100 and Beyond - 08/11/2019
On Sunday August 11th, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada celebrated the conclusion of its 100-years Centenary Celebration with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and a Luncheon and Program at St. Demetrius UOC... |
UOCC 100 and Beyond - 07/15/2019
On Sunday August 11th, the UOCC will be holding a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Toronto, Ontario, followed by a luncheon and closing ceremonies program marking the conclusion of the Centenary year of the UOCC... |
A Taste of Liturgical Music - 05/28/2019
As part of the Foundations of Faith Speaker Series, the St. Demetrius Quartet will be performing in "A Taste of Liturgical Music" on Thursday June 6 at St. Vladimir Institute (620 Spadina Ave)... |
“The Passion of Christ” Book Launch at SVI - 05/28/2019
On Tuesday June 11th, the book “The Passion of Christ” will be launched at St. Vladimir Institute (620 Spadina Ave). The book introduces the pinnacle of the religious art created by the Canadian-Ukrainian artist William Kurelek... |
UOCC Eastern Eparchial Celebration - 05/27/2019
This year's Eastern Eparchial Celebration will be held on Sunday June 2, 2019, at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville. Note that Divine Liturgies will NOT be served in any individual parishes since all will be together in Oakville... |
First Confession and Communion - 05/25/2019
On Saturday, May 25th our annual First Confession was attended by 3 of our children with their respective families... |
Mother's Day Concert 2019 - 05/12/2019
On Sunday May 12th, St. Demetrius honoured all mothers with it's annual Mother's Day Concert... |
Spilne Sviachene (Спільне Свячене) Parish Brunch... - 05/05/2019
On Sunday May 5th, St. Demetrius held its annual Spilne Sviachene (Спільне Свячене) parish brunch... |
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Palm Sunday - 04/21/2019
Palm Sunday at St. Demetrius UOC on Sunday April 21, 2019... |
Pysanka Workshop 2019 - 04/19/2019
On Friday April 19, St. Demetrius held its annual Pysanka Workshop... |
Schedule of Easter Services and Events - Порядок Богослужень та Події - 04/13/2019
Schedule of Easter Services and Events - Порядок Богослужень та Події... |
Pysanka Workshop 2019 - 04/12/2019
The 2019 Pysanka Workshop (Easter Egg writing) will be held on Friday April 19th starting at 10am at St. Demetrius... |
2019 St. Demetrius Golf Classic - 04/09/2019
The 2019 St. Demetrius Golf Classic will be held on Sunday June 9, 2019 at Granite Ridge Golf Club, 9503 Dublin Line, Milton... |
Easter Fellowship Luncheon - 04/09/2019
The Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch, will be holding their Easter Fellowship Luncheon (Великодне Спілкування) on Sunday April 14th after the liturgy... |
Spilne Sviachene 2019 - 04/09/2019
The Spilne Sviachene Parish Communal Luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 5th after the liturgy...
Спільне Свячене - Неділя, 5 травня , після cв. Літургії... |
Passia - 03/31/2019
On Sunday March 31, the Passia service was held at St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
Pysanka Bingo 2019 - 03/23/2019
On Friday March 22nd, St. Demetrius held its 2019 Pysanka Bingo... |
Foundations of Faith Speaker Series - 03/08/2019
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch, is presenting "Foundations of Faith", a Series of Speakers and events at St. Vladimir Institute during March through June 2019... |
Toronto Deanery - Schedule of Mission Services 2019 - 03/03/2019
View the schedule of Toronto Deanery Mission Services in March and April...
Порядок Місійно-Постових Відправ на 2019-ий рік... |
PYSANKA BINGO 2019 - 03/03/2019
PYSANKA BINGO will be held again this year at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on FRIDAY, March 22nd starting at 7pm... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert 2019 - 03/03/2019
On Sunday March 3rd, St. Demetrius parish held its annual concert to honour the life of Ukraine's most celebrated poet, Taras Shevchenko... |
Trivia Night 2019 - 02/04/2019
On Saturday March 2nd, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada (Sophia Rusova Branch) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, will be hosting a Supper and Trivia Night at St. Demetrius U.O.C. Event starts at 5pm in the church hall. Trivia starts at 7pm. $20 per person. Everyone welcome! |
Patriarchal Proclamation for Christmas - 01/06/2019
Patriarchal Proclamation for Christmas from Bartholomew of Constantinople... |
Love Love me do - Dinner & Dance - 01/02/2019
"Love Love me do" Dinner & Dance featuring "Korinya" Ukrainian Folk Band will be held at St. Demetrius UOC on Saturday February 9th, 2019, presented by UWAC Sophia Rusova Branch and Kn. Olha Branch... |
CYMK Carolling - 01/01/2019
CYMK Youth Group at St. Demetrius is going carolling on January 7th and 11th! Let them know if you wish them to visit your home... |
Mykolai / Св. Миколай Concert 2018 - 12/16/2018
On Sunday December 16, St. Demetrius parish was visited by Sv. Mykolai (St. Nicholas). |
Christmas Market 2018 - 11/18/2018
On Sunday November 18th, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch, held its Різдвяний Ярмарок or Christmas Market at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
CYMK Bowling - 11/14/2018
CYMK invites you to Bowling on Saturday November 17th, 2018!... |
St. Demetrius Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) 2018 - 11/11/2018
On Sunday November 11th, St. Demetrius Parish celebrated its 78th Parish Anniversary Khram with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory dinner and program... |
Toronto Daily Bread Food Bank Drive - 10/31/2018
St. Demetrius Church together with USRL (Ukrainian Self Reliance League) Family of Organizations (UWAC, TYC and CYMK) will be collecting non-perishable items for the Daily Bread Food Bank... |
Parish Fall Business Meeting - 10/29/2018
Sunday, November 25, 11:30 a.m. in the Church Hall
Неділю, 25 го листопада, о 11:30 годині ранку в парафіяльній залі |
Parish Picnic 2018 - 09/23/2018
On Sunday September 23rd, 2018, after the liturgy, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
St. Demetrius Youth Appreciation Baseball Game - 09/08/2018
On September 8, 2018 St Demetrius Church Council extended an invitation to all youth to attend a baseball game between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Cleveland Indians... |
SURPRIZE BINGO! - 08/30/2018
Surprize Bingo! Friday September 21st at 7:00 p.m. Fun for EVERYONE! All proceeds go to Church Interior Repainting. Hosted by UWAC Sophia Rusova Branch... |
UOCC 100th Anniversary Sobor - 08/09/2018
On August 9 thru August 12, 2018, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada held an extraordinary SOBOR to celebrate 100 years of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada... |
St. Demetrius at Delta Bingo - 2018 Schedule - 07/01/2018
St Demetrius at Delta Bingo - 2018 Schedule... |
UOCC Eastern Eparchy Centennial Celebration - 06/03/2018
On the weekend of Sunday June 3, the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC held its Centennial Celebration of 100 years of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada... |
First Confession and Communion - 05/27/2018
On Saturday, May 26th our annual First Confession was attended by 8 of our children with their respected families. The next day they came up for Holy Communion and then received gift icons from Fr. Walter... |
The Four Waves - Let's Talk - 05/27/2018
The Toronto-Long Branch chapter of the Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association is hosting a panel discussion May 30, 2018 titled "The Four Waves - Let's Talk". |
Mother's Day Concert 2018 - 05/13/2018
On Sunday May 13th, St. Demetrius honoured all mothers with it's annual Mother's Day Concert... |
CYMK Coffeehouse - 05/05/2018
On Saturday May 5, the CYMK Youth Group held it's Coffeehouse social event... |
CYMK Coffeehouse - 05/01/2018
CYMK and MYNO Coffeehouse - Saturday May 5 at 5pm... |
2018 St. Demetrius Golf Classic - 05/01/2018
The 2018 St. Demetrius Golf Classic will be held on Sunday June 10, 2018 at Granite Ridge Golf Club, 9503 Dublin Line, Milton... |
Spilne Sviachene (Спільне Свячене) 2018 - 04/15/2018
On Sunday April 15th, St. Demetrius held its annual Spilne Sviachene (Спільне Свячене) parish brunch... |
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Palm Sunday and Spring Tea 2018 - 04/01/2018
Palm Sunday and UWAC Spring Tea at St. Demetrius U.O.C. on Sunday April 1... |
Pysanka Workshop 2018 - 03/30/2018
On Friday March 30, St. Demetrius Parish held a Pysanka Workshop... |
SPILNE SVIACHENE Parish Luncheon/ СПІЛЬНЕ СВЯЧЕНЕ - 03/30/2018
The Spilne Sviachene Parish Communal Luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 15th after the liturgy...
Спільне Свячене - Неділя, 15 квітня, після cв. Літургії... |
Spring Tea - 03/24/2018
The Ukrainian Women’s Association Sophia Rusova Branch at St Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox invites you to the annual Spring Tea and Luncheon on Sunday April 1, after the liturgy, in the Church Hall... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert / Концерт у Пошану Тараса Шевченка 2018 - 03/04/2018
On Sunday March 4th, St. Demetrius parish held its annual concert to honour the life of Ukraine's most celebrated poet, Taras Shevchenko... |
Pysanka Workshop 2018 - 03/01/2018
Pysanka Workshop 2018 will be held at St. Demetrius on Friday March 30th starting at 10am... |
Концерт у Пошану Тараса Шевченка / Concert in honour of Taras Shevchenko - 02/27/2018
Концерт у Пошану Тараса Шевченка - Concert in honour of Taras Shevchenko
Will be held in the hall at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Sunday March 4, 2018 at 12:30pm - Неділя, 4 березня 2018 р. 12:30 по полудні
Music of Survival / Хоробра сімнадцятка - 02/04/2018
On Sunday February 4th,St. Demetrius UOC presented the movie "Music of Survival" - the story of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus... |
Pysanka Bingo 2018 - 02/01/2018
PYSANKA BINGO will be held again this year at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on FRIDAY, February 23rd starting at 7pm... |
Music of Survival / Хоробра сімнадцятка - 01/27/2018
On Sunday February 4th, after the liturgy, St. Demetrius UOC will be presenting the movie "Music of Survival" - the story of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus... |
Theophany Eve and Parish Jordan Supper - 01/18/2018
On Wednesday January 18th, Theophany Eve Vespers were held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, followed by the Parish Jordan Supper. |
Bishop's Levee - 01/14/2018
Bishop Andriy's New Year's Levee at St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
Свят Вечір and Різдво - 01/07/2018
Свят Вечір and Різдво (Ukrainian Christmas Eve and Ukrainian Christmas) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Mykolai / Св. Миколай Concert 2017 - 12/17/2017
On Sunday December 17, St. Demetrius parish was visited by Sv. Mykolai (St. Nicholas)... |
Movie - That Never Happened - 12/01/2017
The multi-award-winning documentary, That Never Happened: Canada’s First National Internment Operations, will have its Toronto premiere at the Ted Rogers HOT DOCS Cinema on Tuesday, December 12... |
Mykolai Concert - 11/20/2017
The annual Sv. Mykolai concert will be held at St. Demetrius Parish on Sunday December 17th, after the Liturgy. If you would like your child to participate in the program, please sign them up on the sign-up sheet after Sunday liturgy on or before Dec. 12th... |
St. Demetrius Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) - 11/05/2017
On Sunday November 5th, St. Demetrius Parish celebrated its 77th Parish Anniversary Khram with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory dinner and program... |
UOCC East presents: A Retreat for Acolytes - 11/01/2017
The Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC invites you to a Saturday Retreat for Acolytes, on Saturday, November 18 from 10:00am — 5:00pm, at St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
Eastern Eparchy Conference / З’ЇЗД СХІДНЬОЇ ЄПАРХІЇ - 11/01/2017
The 66th Eastern Eparchy Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada will be held on Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th, 2017 at St. Demetrius Sobor in Etobicoke, ON... |
HOLODOMOR Commemoration Panakhyda - 11/01/2017
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress will be commemorating the victims of the 1932-1933 Holodomor with a Panakhyda Memorial Service at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Saturday November 25th at 4pm - 5pm. |
Parish Pumpkin Carving 2017 - 10/29/2017
On Sunday October 29th, the youth of St. Demetrius parish participated in the annual pumpkin-carving event...
CYMK Apple Picking - 10/01/2017
CYMK invites you to come out for Apple Picking on Sunday October 15th, after the liturgy... |
Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) - 10/01/2017
The St. Demetrius Khram (Patron Saint's Day) will be held on Sunday November 5th... |
2017 Annual Parish Picnic - 09/24/2017
On Sunday September 24th, 2017, after the liturgy, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
Eastern Eparchy Celebration - 06/11/2017
Eastern Eparchy Celebration at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville on Sunday June 11, 2017... |
UOCC East - Family Fun Weekend - Youth & Family Retreat in Grimsby - 05/31/2017
Ready for a retreat? What about a Lakeside Retreat? Join the Youth & Family Retreat in Grimsby... |
Sunday School and First Confession - 05/28/2017
Congratulations to the young members of our church who partook in the Holy Sacrament of Confession for the first time on Saturday May 27, 2017, followed by the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday. |
Mother's Day Concert - 05/14/2017
On Sunday May 14th, St. Demetrius honoured all mothers with it's annual Mother's Day Concert... |
Mother's Day Concert - 05/01/2017
The annual Mother's Day concert will be held at St. Demetrius U.O.C. on Sunday May 14th, after the liturgy. If you would like your child to participate, please sign them up on the sign-up sheets posted at the church, or email to CultureEducation@stdemetriusuoc.ca |
SPILNE SVIACHENE Parish Luncheon/ СПІЛЬНЕ СВЯЧЕНЕ - 04/23/2017
On Sunday April 23rd, St. Demetrius held its annual Spilne Sviachene (Спільне Свячене) parish brunch... |
Images from Easter Sunday and Passion Week services at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
The Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 04/15/2017
Spring Tea 2017 - 04/09/2017
UWAC Spring Tea at St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
Spring Tea 2017 - 04/01/2017
The Ukrainian Women’s Association Sophia Rusova Branch at St Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox invites you to the 2017 Spring Tea and Luncheon on Sunday April 9, after liturgy approximately 12:00 – 2:30 pm, in the Church Hall... |
Pysanka Bingo 2017 - 03/24/2017
Pysanka Bingo at St. Demetrius U.O.C. on Friday March 24... |
Passia Service - 03/19/2017
Passia Service at St. Demetrius on Sunday March 19, 2017... |
Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/05/2017
On Sunday March 5th, Fr. Walter Makarenko and members of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox church participated in the Sunday of Orthodoxy service held at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Mississauga, Ontario... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert 2017 - 03/05/2017
On Sunday March 5th, St. Demetrius parish held its annual concert to honour the life of Ukraine's most celebrated poet, Taras Shevchenko... |
UOCC East Lenten Retreat - 03/04/2017
On Saturday March 4th, UOCC East held the Lenten Retreat for Youth and Family "Church in the Home" at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Passia Service - 03/01/2017
Passia Service will be held at St. Demetrius on Sunday March 19 starting at 6pm. |
CYMK Skiing Day! - 02/01/2017
The CYMK youth group has organized a Skiing Day Trip to Blue Mountain for this Saturday February 18th. Meet at the church at 6:30am. Carpooling is included. Contact Tamara Buciora for more information. |
UOCC Eastern Eparchy Lenten Retreat for Youth & Family - 02/01/2017
The UOCC Eastern Eparchy will be holding a Lenten retreat "Chuch in the Home" for youth and family at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Saturday March 4th starting at 9:30am... |
Trivia Night and Perogy Dinner - 01/30/2017
On Saturday February 25th, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada (Sophia Rusova Branch) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, will be hosting a Trivia Night and Perogy Dinner at St. Demetrius U.O.C. Event starts at 5pm in the church hall. Trivia starts at 7pm. $15 per person. Everyone welcome! |
Living with Dignity - Government Programs and Services for Seniors - 01/29/2017
On Sunday February 12th, Ukrainian Canadian Social Services will be presenting the session "Living with Dignity - Government Programs and Services for Seniors". Refreshments will be served. Session will start in the St. Demetrius U.O.C. hall at 1pm. |
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори - 01/22/2017
Sunday, February 26, 12:00 noon in the Church Hall
неділю, 26 го лютого, о 12:00 годині в парафіяльній залі |
Theophany Eve and Parish Jordan Supper - 01/18/2017
On Wednesday January 18th, Theophany Eve Vespers were held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, followed by the Parish Jordan Supper. |
Patriarchal Proclamation of Christmas - 01/01/2017
Patriarchal Proclamation of Christmas of BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch - in English and Ukrainian... |
CYMK Christmas Carolling - contact to schedule - 01/01/2017
The CYMKivtsi (Youth) at St. Demetrius Church will be carolling again this Christmas. If you would like to be visited at your home, view for more information... |
Mykolai / Св. Миколай Concert 2016 - 12/18/2016
On Sunday December 18, St. Demetrius parish was visited by Sv. Mykolai (St. Nicholas). The children sang songs, recited verses, played on bandura and piano, all to welcome Sv. Mykolai to the parish! After the concert, the (good) childen were excited to receive a special gift from Sv. Mykolai! |
Skating - 12/01/2016
Join Long Branch CYMK for Skating on Friday December 16th at 6pm at Colonel Sam Smith Skating Trail at 3131 Lakeshore Bvld West... |
Holodomor Panakhyda - 11/26/2016
On Saturday November 26, On Saturday November 26, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress held a Panakhyda (Memorial Service) at St. Demetrius U.O.C. for the victims of the 1932-1933 Holodomor (Famine) in Ukraine. |
Christmas Market - 11/20/2016
On November 20, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, invited the community to join them for a Christmas Market... |
Parish Khram (Patron Saint's Day) - 11/06/2016
On Sunday November 6th, St. Demetrius Parish celebrated it's Khram (Patron Saint's Day) with an Archpastoral Liturgy and Parish Dinner... |
Nativity Story / Різдвяна Містерія - 11/03/2016
Saturday December 17 (7:00 pm) & Sunday December 18 (3:00 pm)
субота 17го грудня (7:00 г) і неділя 18го грудня (3:00 г)
@ Factory Theatre - 125 Bathurst Street, Toronto
Christmas Market - Різдвяний Ярмарок - 11/01/2016
On Sunday November 20th, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch is holding its Різдвяний Ярмарок or Christmas Market at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 12:00-3:00pm... |
Parish Pumpkin Carving - 10/30/2016
On Sunday October 30th, after the liturgy, the youth of St. Demetrius parish participated in the seasonal carving of pumpkins... |
Message of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 10/22/2016
Message of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Plenitude of the Ecumenical Patriarch Worldwide, on the 25th Anniversary of His Election to the Ecumenical Throne... |
Parish Picnic 2016 - 09/25/2016
After the liturgy on Sunday September 25, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
Eastern Eparchy Youth and Family Retreat in Montreal - 09/01/2016
The U.O.C. of St. Demetrius is supporting the 90th Anniversary celebrations of the U.O.C. of St. Sophia's in Montreal on the weekend of Friday September 30th to Sunday October 2nd 2016... |
Pavlo Hunka at St. Demetrius U.O.C. - 08/14/2016
On Sunday August 14th, the internationally famous Ukrainian bass-baritone opera star Pavlo Hunka participated in the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrius, singing with the choir, reading the Apostol, and singing the “Lord’s Prayer”... |
Rummage Sale - 06/02/2016
UWAC Sophia Rusova Branch is holding their Rummage Sale at St. Demetrius Church on Friday June 17th and Saturday June 18th... |
First Confession and Communion - 05/28/2016
Congratulations to the seven young members of our church who partook in the Holy Sacrament of Confession for the first time on Saturday May 28, 2016, followed by the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday... |
2016 Golf Tournament - 05/03/2016
St. Demetrius Golf Classic
Sunday, June 12 - Dragon's Fire Golf Club |
On Sunday May 8th, St. Demetrius held its annual Spilne Sviachene parish brunch, as well as its annual Mother's Day concert... |
Passion Week and Easter services at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Eastern Eparchy Family Day - 05/01/2016
Eastern Eparchy Family Day will be held on Sunday June 5th at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville... |
PATRIARCHAL ENCYCLICAL FOR HOLY PASCHA from † BARTHOLOMEW Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch:
Click here to view
Spring Tea - 04/24/2016
On Sunday April 24, UWAC Sophia Rusova Branch held a Spring Tea at St. Demetrius U.O.C... |
Pysanka Bingo 2016 - 04/01/2016
On Friday April 1, UWAC Sophia Rusova Branch held its annual Pysanka Bingo evening... |
Помісна - Шлях до Єдиної Православної Церкви - 04/01/2016
On Saturday April 16th special guest speaker from Ukraine, prof. Oleksandr Sahan, will present his lecture on Ukrainian Orthodoxy and related issues. Event starts at 3:00 pm in the St. Demetrius Church hall. |
The Spilne Sviachene Parish Communal Luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 8th, after the liturgy, followed by the annual Mother's Day Concert. Tickets are available at the church's hall during Fellowship or in the office on weekdays...
Спільне Свячене і Концерт День Матері - Неділя, 8 травня 2016 р. Б., після cв. Літургії. Квитки можна придбати у церковній залі після Св. Літургії або в канцелярії протягом тижня... |
Spring Tea and Perekuska - 04/01/2016
The Ukrainian Women’s Association Sophia Rusova Branch at St Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox would like to invite you to our Spring Tea and Perekuska on April 24, 2016 (after liturgy approximately 12:00 – 2:30 pm, in our Church Hall)... |
Adult Pysanka Workshop - 03/28/2016
St. Demetrius will be hosting an Adult Pysanka Workshop on Saturday April 2nd, 9th and 16th... |
Pysanka Workshop 2016 - 03/25/2016
On Friday March 25, St. Demetrius Parish held a Pysanka Workshop... |
Pysanka Workshop - 03/13/2016
We invite all children, youth and parents to attend our PYSANKA workshop to be held at St. Demetrius hall on Friday March 25th starting at 12pm noon... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert 2016 - 03/06/2016
On Sunday March 6, St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church held its annual concert to honour the life of Ukraine's most celebrated poet, Taras Shevchenko... |
SnowDrop Gala - 03/05/2016
On Saturday March 5th, St., Demetrius held the SnowDrop Gala fundraising event at the Old Mill Toronto... |
Pysanka Bingo 2016 - 03/01/2016
The PYSANKA BINGO will be held on FRIDAY, April 1, 2016 starting at 7:00 PM... |
Youth Retreat - Love - 02/01/2016
On Saturday February 27, the U.O.C.C Eastern Eparchy is holding an Eparchial Retreat at St. Demetrius U.O.C., on the theme "Love"... |
Theophany Eve and Parish Jordan Supper - 01/18/2016
On Monday January 18th, Theophany Eve Vespers were held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, followed by the Parish Jordan Supper.. |
Carolling by Long Branch CYMK - 01/08/2016
Christmas Carolling by Long Branch CYMK members... |
Свят Вечір and Різдво - 01/06/2016
Свят Вечір and Різдво (Ukrainian Christmas Eve and Ukrainian Christmas) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
CYMK Movie Night - 01/01/2016
On Friday February 5th, Long Branch CYMK presents Movie Night! Two movies will be shown, one for kids and one for adults. Event starts at 6 p.m. at St. Demetrius Church Hall. All are welcomed to attend! |
Parish Jordan Supper / Йорданська Парафіяльна Вечеря 2016 - 01/01/2016
Monday, January 18 - Vespers at 6:00 pm - Supper after the service
ПОНЕДІЛОК 18-го січня - Повечір’я: 6:00 вечора - Вечеря: після відправи |
Schedule of January Services and Events - 01/01/2016
Click to view the schedule of upcoming Services and Events at St. Demetrius in January 2016... |
Mykolai / Св. Миколай Concert - 12/20/2015
On Sunday December 20, St. Demetrius parish was visited by Sv. Mykolai... |
Nativity Youth Retreat - 11/30/2015
On Saturday December 12th, the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada will be holding a Nativity Youth Retreat for Eparchy youth ages 7-25, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church… |
75th Anniversary Khram Celebration - 11/08/2015
On Sunday November 8th, the U.O.C. of St. Demetrius celebrated its 75th Parish Anniversary with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory banquet... |
Christmas Bazaar - Різдвяний Базар - 11/01/2015
Sunday, November 29th Неділя, 29-го листопада > in the church hall after the Liturgy
Parish Pumpkin Carving - 10/25/2015
On Sunday October 25th, the youth of St. Demetrius parish participated in the annual pumpkin-carving event... |
Annual Parish Pumpkin Carving - 10/01/2015
The Annual Parish Pumpkin Carving will be held on Sunday, October 25, 2015 after the liturgy... |
FRONTIER CHURCH – ЦЕРКВА НА ЛІНІЇ ВОГНЮ - Film Tonight!!! (Thursday October 29th) starting at 7pm, 3338 Lake Shore Blvd. W., Etobicoke ... |
Храмове Свято - Khramove Sviato - 09/25/2015
The St. Demetrius 75th Anniversary Liturgy and Celebration Banquet will be held on Sunday November 8 / Неділя 8 листопада... |
Parish Picnic 2015 - 09/20/2015
On Sunday September 20th, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
St. Demetrius 75th Anniversary Fundraising - Snowdrop Gala - 09/01/2015
St. Demetrius will be holding it's 75th Anniversary Fundraising "Snowdrop Gala" on Saturday March 5th 2016 at the historic and elegant, Old Mill Toronto, Brûlé Rooms, in Toronto Ontario... |
St. Demetrius Bandura School - 09/01/2015
Bandura classes for the fall season are starting at the St. Demetrius Bandura School... |
Parish Family Picnic 2015 - 07/31/2015
Парафіяльний Пікнік!
The annual Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday September 20th, after the Liturgy. All parishioners are welcomed to come out and enjoy... |
Summer Services at St. Demetrius - 07/01/2015
Weekly Divine Liturgy services are continuing at St. Demetrius throughout the summer, starting every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Свята Літургія кожної неділі о 10:00 год. ранку. |
Eastern Eparchy Celebration - 06/01/2015
On Sunday June 14th, the Eastern Eparchy Celebration will take place in Oakville, with the Liturgy starting at 9:30 am. All churches (including St. Demetrius) will be closed for the day... |
First Confession and Holy Communion - 05/30/2015
On Saturday May 30th, a special group of children from our parish partook in their First Confession... |
Mother's Day Concert - 05/10/2015
On Sunday May 10th, St. Demetrius Parish presented its annual Mother's Day concert... |
Sounds of the Bandura CD - 05/03/2015
Back in May 2015, as part of the St. Demetrius 75th Anniversary Projects, the St. Demetrius Bandura Ensemble released its new CD entitled "Sounds of the Bandura" / "Звуки бандури"... |
Parish Quarterly Business Meeting - 05/01/2015
The next Parish Business meeting will be held this Sunday, June 21st, after the liturgy.
St Demetrius Seniors Perogy Making - 04/30/2015
Every month, the Seniors of St. Demetrius get together and make perogies... |
Spilne Sviachene / Спільне Свячене - 04/19/2015
On Sunday April 19th, St. Demetrius parish celebrated the Sunday of St. Thomas, and after the Liturgy the parish held its annual Parish Communal Dinner or Спільне Свячене... |
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services - 04/05/2015
Images from Easter Sunday and Passion Week services at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
St. Demetrius Choir CD - Душе Моя (O My Soul) - 04/01/2015
As part of the St. Demetrius 75th Anniversary Projects, the Choir of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church has released their new dual CD "Душе Моя (O My Soul) / Св. Андрея Критського (St. Andrew of Crete)... |
Schedule of Upcoming Easter Services and Event - Порядок Богослужень та Події - 04/01/2015
Schedule of Upcoming Easter Services and Event - Порядок Богослужень та Події |
Pysanka Writing - 03/29/2015
On Sunday March 29, the youth of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church (and some of their parents) participated in traditional Pysanka (Easter Egg) writing. |
Pysanka Bingo 2015 - 03/20/2015
On Friday March 20, the Ukrainian Canadian Women's Association - Sophia Rusova Branch - held its annual Pysanka Bingo at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Taras Shevchenko Concert 2015 - 03/08/2015
On Sunday March 8, St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church held its annual concert to honour the life of Ukraine's most celebrated poet, Taras Shevchenko... |
Lenten Spring Youth Retreat - 03/07/2015
On Saturday March 7, the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada held a youth retreat at St. Demetrius Church... |
Pysanka Bingo 2015 - 03/01/2015
Lenten Spring - Youth Retreat - 02/09/2015
On Saturday March 7th, the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada will be holding a Youth Retreat Lenten Spring - A Retreat for Orthodox Teens and University Students, at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church… |
On Sunday January 18th, Theophany Eve Vespers were held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, followed by the Parish Jordan Supper... |
Бог Предвічний - 01/08/2015
The St. Demetrius Bandura Ensemble performs traditional Ukrainian Christmas Carols on the bandura... |
Свят Вечір and Різдво - 01/06/2015
Свят Вечір (Ukrainian Christmas Eve) and Різдво (Ukrainian Christmas) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Christmas Services 2015 - 01/06/2015
Tuesday, Jan. 6: 10:00 pm Wednesday, Jan. 7: 10:00 am вівторок 6-го січня в год: 10:00 вечора середа 7-го січня в год: 10:00 ранку |
Parish Jordan Supper / Йорданська Парафіяльна Вечеря 2015 - 12/31/2014
Sunday, January 18
Vespers at 5:00 pm - Supper after the service
неділя 18-го січня
Повечір’я: 5:00 вечора - Вечеря: після відправи |
Mykolai Concert 2014 - 12/21/2014
On Sunday December 21, St. Demetrius was visited by Sv. Mykolai (St. Nicholas). Children recited verses, sang songs, played on instruments during this annual concert to greet Sv. Mykolai. |
#JesusIsHere: Everywhere Present - Eastern Eparchy Youth Retreat - 12/13/2014
On December 13, 2014, the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC hosted a spiritual retreat for young people - teenagers and university students at St. Demetrius Sobor on Lake Shore Blvd. in Toronto... |
Концерт Святого Миколая / Saint Nicholas Concert - 12/02/2014
неділя, 21-го грудня - після Літургії
Sunday, December 21st - after the Liturgy |
Youth Retreat - 11/24/2014
On the afternoon of Saturday December 13th, the Eastern Eparchy of the U.O.C.C. is holding a Youth Retreat for Orthodox teens and university students at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Otrhodox Church... |
Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine оn the 81st anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine-Genocide in Ukraine - 11/22/2014
Click here to view
ПОСЛАННЯ Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України з нагоди пам’яті 81-х роковин Геноциду-Голодомору в Україні 1932-1933 рр. |
Holodomor Commemoration and Panachyda - 11/22/2014
On Saturday November 22 and Sunday November 23, the Holodomor was commemorated at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the occasion of the Nativity Fast - 11/21/2014
Click here to view
ПОСЛАННЯ Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України На Різдвяний Піст |
Statement: Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada on the First Anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine - 11/20/2014
Click here to view Statement |
Holodomor Commemoration - Panachyda and Program - 11/15/2014
On this Saturday November 22 at 5:00 p.m., the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Toronto Branch invites you, along with family and friends, to a Panachyda in memory of victims of the Holodomor from 1932-1933 in Ukraine, at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius. The Panachyda will be followed by a symbolic “cold supper” and a short program. |
St Demetrius Parish Khram - 11/09/2014
On Sunday November 9th, St. Demetrius celebrated its Parish Anniversary with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory banquet. |
Parish Pumpkin Carving - 10/26/2014
On Sunday October 26th, St. Demetrius held its annual Pumpkin Carving event in the church hall... |
Hands-on Bandura Workshop / Практичне заняття з гри на бандурі - 09/29/2014
On Sunday October 5th, the St. Demetrius Bandura School will be holding an informal Hands-on Bandura Workshop...
В неділю 5-го жовтня Школа гри на бандурі при соборі св. Димитрія про-водитиме практичне заняття... |
Parish Annual Picnic - 09/28/2014
On Sunday September 28, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic at Centennial Park in Etobicoke... |
St. Demetrius Golf Tournament - 06/08/2014
On Sunday June 8th, St. Demetrius Parish held its 19th Annual St. Demetrius Golf Tournament at the Dragon's Fire Golf Club... |
Celebration of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC (in Oakville) - 06/04/2014
The Celebration of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada will be held at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville on Sunday June 15th at 9:00 a.m. Note that there will be no liturgy at St. Demetrius on this date... |
Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the Presidential Election in Ukraine - 05/28/2014
Звернення Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України з приводу президентських виборів в Україні
Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the Presidential Election in Ukraine
Moleben for Ukraine / panel discussion “Ukrainian Church after the Maidan” - 05/06/2014
Moleben for Ukraine and lunch/panel discussion “Ukrainian Church after the Maidan” - Sunday, May 11th at the Chapel at Oakville.
Молебень за Україну, Перекуска/дискусія на тему: "Українська Церква після Майдану" - Неділя, 11 травня, каплиця в м. Оуквіл. |
Mother's Day Concert - 05/04/2014
On Sunday May 4th, St. Demetrius Parish presented its annual Mother's Day concert... |
Symposium 2014 - 05/04/2014
Symposium 2014 entitled, Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the Global Family of Orthodox Churches: Past, Present and Future, is being held on May 8-10 at St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto.
This is "a learned and practical symposium bringing together scholars from all Orthodox ecclesiastical formations in Ukraine and beyond, to discuss the unique attributes and special place of the Ukrainian Orthodox Kyivan Tradition in the context of world Orthodoxy, the current religious situation in Ukraine and to address issues of concern to Ukrainian Orthodox believers."... |
Rummage Sale - Розпродаж Випадкових Речей - 04/28/2014
U.W.A.C. Rummage Sale - Розпродаж Випадкових Речей Friday May 23 & Saturday May 24 |
Spilne Sviachene / Спільне Свячене - 04/27/2014
On Sunday April 27th, St. Demetrius parish celebrated the Sunday of St. Thomas, and after the Liturgy the parish held its annual Parish Communal Dinner or Спільне Свячене... |
Mothers' Day Concert / Концерт День Матері - 04/26/2014
The annual Mothers' Day concert will be presented this Sunday May 4th after the Liturgy. All are welcomed to attend. Please contact Mrs. Svetlana Zienchuk of the Sunday School if you would like your child to participate. |
Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops - 04/20/2014
Великоднє Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України
Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services - 04/17/2014
Images from Easter Sunday and Passion Week services... |
Easter Service (Blessing Baskets) - Sunday April 20 at 6:00 am
Великдень/Пасха (ОсвяченняПасок) - 20 квітня,неділя 6:00 ранку |
HOLY SHROUD SERVICE - Friday April 18 at 3:00 pm
ВИНОС ПЛАЩАНИЦІ - 18 квітня, п’ятниця 3:00 по обіді |
THE PASSION OF CHRIST SERVICE - Thursday April 17 at 7:00 p.m. СТРАСТІ ГОСПОДНІ - 17 квітня четвер 7:00 вечора
Palm Sunday and Visitation by Bishop Andriy - 04/13/2014
On Palm Sunday, St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church was pleased to receive a visitation from His Grace, Bishop Andriy. The Liturgy concluded with the blessing of traditional pussy willows... |
Great Compline Service - 04/06/2014
Great Compline service (preceding Blahovischenya) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Sunday April 6th... |
Poklony Service - Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 04/02/2014
Poklony Service - Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the evening of Wednesday April 2nd, 2014... |
Great Compline Service - 04/02/2014
On Sunday April 6th at 6:00 p.m., the Great Compline service will be held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This service will also be the annual Lenten mission service of the Toronto Deanery which will include the presence of His Grace, Bishop Andriy and all of the Deanery clergy. Following the service, a meal will be served in the church hall, along with a talk on a Lenten topic (the meal is free). Everyone is invited to attend... |
Annual Spring Bazaar - 03/27/2014
The Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada Sophia Rusova Branch invites you to attend the Annual Spring Bazaar on Sunday April 13th... |
Поклони/Poklony - Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 03/23/2014
The Poklony evening service of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete will be held at St. Demetrius on Wednesday April 2nd at 7pm. The St. Demetrius Church Choir will be singing during this service. All are invited to attend... |
UOCC Hierarchs' Statement on Crimea (03/18) - 03/18/2014
Statement Of the Hierarchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Regarding the Annexation of Crimea, Ukraine:
Great Compline - Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 03/05/2014
Canon of St. Andrew of Crete Great Compline service at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Wednesday March 5th... |
Pysanka Easter Egg Bingo - 03/04/2014
Friday, March 21, 7:00 pm in the church hall
п'ятниця, 21го березня, о 7:00 годині в парафіяльній залі |
Taras Shevchenko Concert - 03/02/2014
On Sunday March 2, St. Demetrius parish presented its annual Taras Shevchenko concert. |
Pray for Ukraine - 02/28/2014
Requiem for "The Heaven's Hundred" - A Requiem (Panachyda) was held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Friday February 28th for those who sacrificed their lives during the EuroMaidan in Ukraine. Панахида за «Небесну Сотню» - за тих, які загинули на Майдані. |
Pray for Ukraine - Requiem for "The Heaven's Hundred" - 02/26/2014
A Requiem (Panachyda) will be held at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church this Friday February 28th at 7:00pm for those that sacrificed their lives during the EuroMaidan in Ukraine. Fr. Walter invites all parishioners and supporters to participate.
Просимо всіх наших членів і прихильників прибути на Панахиду в цю п’ятницю і помолитися за «Небесну Сотню» - за тих, які загинули на Майдані.
З любов’ю у Христі, о. Володимир |
Senior's Monthly Perogy Making and Verenyky Lunch - 02/25/2014
Every month, the Senior's of St. Demetrius get together to make verenyky (perogies) and sell them to the community at a public lunch... |
UOCC Statement on Developing Events in Ukraine - February 22, 2014 - 02/22/2014
Statement Of the Hierarchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Regarding the Development of Events in Ukraine:
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service - 01/26/2014
On January 26, 2014, Fr. Walter participated at the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service at St. Paul’s Basilica in Toronto... |
UOCC Statement on EuroMaidan - January 22, 2014 - 01/22/2014
UOCC Bishops' Statement Regarding Current Events in Ukraine
Theophany Eve and Jordan Supper - 01/18/2014
On the evening of Saturday January 18th, St. Demetrius parish celebrated Theophany Eve and Jordan Supper… |
Христос Рождаєтся! Славімо Його! - 01/06/2014
Свят Вечір (Ukrainian Christmas Eve) and Різдво (Ukrainian Christmas) at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church... |
Bandura School Christmas Recital - 12/23/2013
On December 23rd, the St. Demetrius Bandura School held its annual recital of Christmas music... |
Ukrainian Orthodox Women's Retreat / Українські Православні Жіночі Реколекції - 12/18/2013
POSTPONED - The Women's Retreat, originally scheduled for Friday, February 28 to Sunday, March 2, 2014 (П’ятниця 28 лютого до Неділі 2-го Березня 2014 р.), has been POSTPONED. Further details to follow. |
St. Nicholas / Св. Миколай - 12/15/2013
On Sunday December 15, 2013 we had a special guest visit our church!...
В неділю 15го грудня до нашої церкви завітав почесний гість із неба... |
UOCC Statement on EuroMaidan - 12/02/2013
UOCC Bishops' Statement Regarding Current Events in Ukraine |
Holodomor News 2013 - 11/25/2013
2013 communiqués and statements about the 80th anniversay of the Holodomor ..... A special video message by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Ukrainian people on the 80th Anniversary of the Holodomor |
St Demetrius Parish Khram - 11/10/2013
On Sunday November 10th, St. Demetrius celebrated its Parish Anniversary with an Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and celebratory banquet... |
St Demetrius Pumpkin Carving 2013 - 10/27/2013
On Sunday October 27th, the youth of St. Demetrius parish participated in a fun pumpkin carving event... |
Pavlo Hunka visit to St. Demetrius Parish... - 06/23/2013
Pavlo Hunka, renowned bass-baritone and artistic director of the Ukrainian Art Song Project visited our parish on Sunday, June 23, 2013... |
Pentecost Trinity Sunday and Blessing of Icons - 06/23/2013
Pentecost Trinity Sunday and Blessing of Icons... |
Pavlo Hunka singing at our church - 06/19/2013
Internationally renowned bass-baritone Pavlo Hunka will be in our church Sunday, June 23, 2013 to read the Апостол (Epistle) and sing other parts of the church service |
Eastern Eparchy Summer Celebration 2013 - 06/16/2013
On Sunday June 16, the Eastern Eparchy Summer Celebration was held at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville... |
St. Demetrius Bandura School year-end recital - 06/11/2013
Each June, the St. Demetrius Bandura School celebrates with a year-end recital... |
St Demetrius Golf Tournament 2013 - 06/09/2013
On Sunday June 9, St. Demetrius Parish hosted its annual Golf tournanment... |
End of the Sunday School year - 05/26/2013
Sunday May 25th was a special day for the children at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox church’s Sunday School... |
First Confession and Holy Communion - 05/26/2013
A special group of six children from our parish partook in their First Confession followed by Holy Communion on Sunday May 26th... |
Spilne Sviachene and Mothers Day Concert - 05/12/2013
On Sunday May 12, St. Demetrius Parish held its annual Spilne Sviachene brunch, followed by a Mothers' Day concert in honour of all mothers... |
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services - 05/05/2013
Easter Sunday and Passion Week services |
Palm Sunday and Easter Bazaar - 04/28/2013
Palm Sunday and Easter Bazaar |
Easter Services / Порядок Богослужень - 04/01/2013
Easter Services / Порядок Богослужень 2013 |
Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/24/2013
On Sunday March 24, the St. Demetrius choir participated in the Sunday of Orthodoxy service held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral Annunciation of the Virgin Mary... |
Sunday School Easter Egg Writing - 03/24/2013
Sunday School Easter Egg Writing |
Iconography Workshop - 03/23/2013
On March 23-24, St. Demetrius parish again hosted a workshop on Byzantine Icon Writing with Iconographer Alex Mezentsev. |
Friday, April 26 Planet Bowl |
Icon Writing Workshop - 03/04/2013
Saturday, March 23, 2:00-5:00 pm, AND Sunday, March 24, 2:00-5:00 pm, in the church hall |
Taras Shevchenko Concert - 03/03/2013
On Sunday March 3, St. Demetrius parish commemorated the life of poet Taras Shevchenko with a moving concert of songs, poems and recitations... |
Panel Discussion - UOCC Delegation in Constantinople - 03/02/2013
Saturday, March 16, 10:00 am in the church hall субота, 16го березня, о 10:00 год.ранку в парафіяльній залі |
Parish Volunteer Appreciation Event - 02/09/2013
On the evening of Saturday February 9, St. Demetrius Parish celebrated its many volunteers with a Volunteer Appreciation evening... |
Parish Annual Meeting / Парафіяльній Річні Збори - 01/21/2013
Sunday, February 24, 12:00 noon in the Church Hall неділю, 24 го лютого, о 12:00 годині в парафіяльній залі |
Eve of Theophany / Jordan Supper 2013 - 01/18/2013
Eve of Theophany / Jordan Supper 2013 |
Bishop's Levee - 01/13/2013
Bishop Andriy's Levee was held on Sunday January 13 at St. Demetrius parish... |
Volunteer Appreciation - Вшанування добровольців - 01/01/2013
Saturday, February 9, 7:00 pm Субота 9 лютого, 7:00 год. вечора |
Pre-Christmas Communiqué - Перед-Різдвяне Послання - 12/17/2012
Pre-Christmas Message from the Permanent Council of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the borders of Ukraine Перед-Різдвяне Послання Конференції Українських Єпископів поза межами України
Mykolai Concert 2012 - 12/16/2012
On Sunday December 16, St. Demetrius parish held its annual Mykolai concert... |
2012 Parish Khram / Храм - 11/11/2012
On Sunday November 11, St. Demetrius celebrated it's Parish Khram... |
Eastern Eparchy Youth Retreat - 11/08/2012
Saturday December 8 2:00-7:00 |
Parish Focus Groups - General Meeting - 11/05/2012
The next General meeting of Parish Focus Groups will be Wednesday December 5, at 7:30 pm SHARP, in the church hall. All parishioners welcome ... |
St Demetrius Pumpkin Carving 2012 - 10/28/2012
On Sunday Oct. 28, the youth of St. Demetrius participated in pumpkin carving ... |
Parish Picnic 2012 - 09/23/2012
On Sunday September 23, St. Demetrius held its annual Parish Picnic... |
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2012 - 08/26/2012
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Преображення Господнє |
St. Demetrius Bandura School End-of-Year Recital 2012 - 06/26/2012
On June 26, the St. Demetrius Bandura School held its annual end-of-year recital... |
Eastern Eparchial Gathering 2012 - 06/24/2012
This year's annual Eastern Eparchial Gathering took place on Sunday, June 24th at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville. |
First Confession/ Перша Сповідь 2012 - 05/27/2012
Congratulations to the six young members of our church who partook in the Holy Sacrament of Confession for the first time on Saturday May 26, 2012, followed by the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday May 27th, 2012. |
Mothers' Day Concert 2012 - 05/13/2012
On Sunday May 13, St. Demetrius Parish held its annual Mothers' Day concert. |
Eastern Eparchy Youth Festival / Єпархіяльна Зустріч: Фестиваль Молоді - 05/01/2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012 неділя 24-го червня, 2012 року
St. Demetrius Parish Focus Group meetings - 05/01/2012
All parishioners are welcome to come join the upcoming meetings in May and June! Click for more information...
Easter 2012 - 04/15/2012
Easter Sunday and Passion Week servcies |
2012 Easter Bazaar - 04/08/2012
Easter Bazaar - on the front page of the Etobicoke Guardian |
Palm Sunday and Spring Bazaar 2012 - 04/08/2012
Pysanka Writing 2012 - 03/25/2012
Youth of St. Demetrius participated in easter egg writing. |
Pysanka Bingo! 2012 - 03/23/2012
Passia Service 2012 - 03/11/2012
Taras Shevchenko Concert 2012 - 03/04/2012
Parish Youth Choir 2012 - 03/02/2012
Taras Shevchenko Concert - Sunday March 4th at 12:30 p.m. - 03/01/2012
Last Chance Zabava! Остання Забава Перед Великим Постом! - 02/01/2012
Come Enjoy an Evening of Music & Dancing! Saturday February 25, 2012, 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall Суботу 25 го лютого 2012, о 7:00 годині в парафіяльній залі
Eve of Theophany / Jordan Supper 2012 - 01/18/2012
2011 Mykolai Concert - 12/18/2011
2011 Christmas Bazaar - 12/11/2011
UWAC members on the front page of the Etobicoke Guardian
Snow Tubing at Snow Valley! - 12/01/2011
Join us Wed. Dec. 28, for a day of awesome fun! Only $25. Bus leaves the church at 7:45 a.m.
2011 Parish Khram / Храм - 11/06/2011
2011 Junior CYMK Pumpkin Carving - 10/30/2011
On Sunday October 30, Jr. CYMK hosted the first-ever pumpkin-carving activity for youth in the parish.
2011 Parish Picnic - 09/25/2011
Long Branch CYMK Wins Perepeliuk Award! - 09/01/2011
This past summer, at the Ukrainian Self-Reliance League (USRL) National Convention held in Edmonton, our St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Youth group, "CYMK", won the Perepeliuk Trophy for being the most active local in Canada. CONGRATULATIONS!
2011 St. Demetrius Bandura School End-of-Year Recital - 06/22/2011
2011 First Confession - 05/29/2011
Eastern Eparchy Updates - 02/27/2009
Summary of any announcenments or Bulletins from the office of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Click >> here to view the webpage
Celebrating Easter - 02/24/2009
New web page that has information on how the faithful at St Demetrius are preparing to celebrate Easter Click>> here
Adult Pysanka (Ukr Easter Egg) Workshop - 02/21/2009
Adult Pysanka (Ukrainian Easter Egg) Workshop
Video Clips- (Avi file format click to download & view with Windows Media Player) - 01/28/2009
Video Clips have been added to the Pictures web page Click here to access the web page
Calendar Committee web page now complete - 01/28/2009
To view the Calendar Committee web page Click >> here
Make Donations On-Line Using your credit or debit card - 01/04/2009
Donations and soon membership payments can be made on-line using your debit or credit card. Click >>> here to make a donation
Sunday Weekly Bulletins - 12/06/2008
The Sunday Weekly Bulletins are now available for viewing on screen. Click >> here to access the Bulletin page
Website Updates & Changes - 12/03/2008
This Web page has been added to list any changes or additions to the Website. Check this page on a regular basis as the web pages under construction are completed and any new Web pages are added to the Website
Website Updates & Changes - 12/03/2008
A "Website Updates & Changes" page has been added to announce any new additions to the Website as well as the completion of the web pages previously under contruction.
Announcement Page for Upcoming Events
An Announcement page for the Listing of "Upcoming Events " has been added. The dates and the details of "Upcoming Events" at the Parish will be listed up to the date they occur.
Announcement Page for Upcoming Events - 12/03/2008
An "Announcement" web page has been added that will list "Upcoming Events" taking place at the Parish. Click >> here to access the Upcoming Events page
Parish Governance
The Parish Council page has been expanded to explain and provide additional information about the role, authority and responsibility of the Parish Council in the operations of the Parish. Copies of Statutory documents and activity reports are available for download. Click >> here to access the page